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Our Prices

These prices are just a guide, all systems are different and have aged in different ways.

BEO Logo white

Beo S
I can supplu 

All sets will be fully serviced
and 90 RTB warrenty
I have these machine  in stock    they are  serviced to  order  once a Deposit  is  paid

Beomaster  700

Beomaster  900

Beomaster  900 K

Beomaster  901

Beomaster 1001  

Beomaster 1200 

Beomaster 1500

Beomaster 1900
Beomaster 1900-2

Beomaster 2000  (70s)

Beomaster 2000  (80s)

Beomaster 2300

Beomaster 2400

Beomaster 2400-2

Beomaster Remote  2400

Beomaster 3000  ( 70s)

Beomaster 3300

Beomaster 5000

Beomaster 5500

Beomaster 6000  (80s)

Beomaster 6000  Quad  (70s)

Beomaster 6500

Beomaster 8000

Beogram Cd  Player    CDX  CDX2


Beogram 4000  4002  4004 & 6000

Beocord  1900  

Beocord  2000

Beocord  3300

Beocord  5000 (80s )

Beocord  6500

Beolit     500

Beolit     600

Beolit    707

Beolit   1000   ( goat skin )

Beo Grams
I can supply 

All sets  fully serviced and
90 Days RTB warranty 
( Stylus & cartridge can be Supplied if required )   
Shipping  not included  

BeoGram 4000
BeoGram 4002
BeoGram 4004
BeoGram 2200
BeoGram 2404
Beogram  1200/2

     Beogram 1500  ( 70s )  with  Amp          Beogram  1000 deck

        Stylus  new   Rebuilt   Exchange

MMC 20S  / 3000A
MMC 4.
Sp 14  Stylus no Cartridge
Sp 14 Cartridge  only  ( Body )

Exchange Cartridge must be serviceable 
(coils in good condition while stylus and cantilever are not  important).

Full Service
Subject to inspection 

This includes service  Parts & Labour
But not return Shipping


Beomaster 900 ................................... £270.00 

Beomaster 1000.................................. £280.00 

Beomaster 1100 / 1200 ......................£250.00 Beolab  1700  (amp )     .......................£210.00

Beomaster 1900 /2400....................... £250.00 

Beomaster 3000 /4000 (70s) From ... £350.00 

Beomaster 2000 /3000 /3300 (80s)... £220.00

Beomaster 4400.................................. £450.00

Beomaster 6000 "80s"........................ £450.00

Beomaster 6000 Quad "70"...................... POA

Beomaster  5000 .5500, 6500,700     £280.00

Beomaster 8000 ........................................ POA

Extra Issues (Faults) are from  £40.00 each + parts


Beogram 2200  2400........................... £150.00

Beogram 3000  3500 4500   TX2  etc  £250 .00

Beogram  5000 5005 6500 7000 ,9000  etc         £250.00

Beogram 4002 /4004 /6000                 £400.00

Beogram 4000                                        £450.00

Beogram 100/1001 /1200 /2000/3000  etc....... £250.00 you may  need a belt  and drve assy

Repair start from...................................... £120


Charge to supply an estimate from ..........£40

Extra Issues (Faults) are £40.00 each + parts


1400, 1500, 1600,  1700,  1800 , 2000,  2002, 2200, 2800, 3600, 3500,  2000 , 2002

For  price  please ask  quoting  issues 

BeoLit  ( Radios )

Most  if  not all

400,500,505, 600.700  707,800 .1000

Re sring of dial  cord available

service  from  £120.00 


      Beocord 1900, 2000,2400, 3000, 3300       3500,5000.5500.6500,7000,6000,8000,8004,        9000 etc

Belts mechanical service from........... £150.00



 Most  Beovox  speakers can be serviced   pleas ask  not Beo lab

Speaker Cables

         2 pin Din  plugs and sockets available

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