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This list contains items that I am able to repair,
We can service or supply at the current time.


I repair what is now classed as vintage audio equipment 

from the Mid 60s, 70s 80s  and parts of the 90s 

  1. Beograms (all)

  2. Beomaster (Excluding after 1997)

  3. Beocords  just about all  cassette machine

  4. Beogram CD player (Will look into it but can promise nothing)

  5. CDX/CDX2 & 3300 3500 4500  5500 6500 7000

  6. Beocentres (1500 1600  2000  2002 2200 2600 2800 3300 4000 4600 5000  7000  7007 7700 8000 8300 8500 9000 9300 9500) parts for some are now getting difficult

  7. Beo lits (400 500 600 700  505  606  707) 800 1000 

  8. Beomaster  many if not all ?  (900 901 1000 1001 1200  1400 1500 1600 1700 1900  2000  2200  2300  2400  3000  3300  3500 4000  4400 4500 5500 6000 ( both ) 6500 7000  8000   etc most  machines   from 60s to  mid 90s )

  9. Overtures  2300  2500  3000  etc

  10. Beo Lab 5000 beomaster  5000  tuners  70s

  11. Beo vox ( most ) and  Beolab 4000  6000  8000  MK1s only

  12. Their are many other  machine   not  listed as its a long  list    but this  should give you a good idea .


The Following items can not be serviced as I have  no parts 

  1.  All Systems after 1997  ish ....

  2.  TV  Phones  or video machines

  3. Beo Play (Items All)

  4. Beo sound  Including BS 9000

  5. Master link (Items All)

  6.  mp3 players /  music streaming  machines 

  7. If in any doubt  please contact me

BEO Repairs are an independent B&O repairs specialist and are not directly affiliated with the Bang & Oulfsen or the  (B&O) brand name.or trademark

©2022 by BEO Repairs.

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